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We live in a FAST-PACED society! Most of us want everything RIGHT NOW! Many times we are looking for a "shortcut" so we can move on to the next thing. However, we must understand relationships will NEVER be able to mature and grow "correctly" if we try to shortcut the steps of development and process of them. Never forget...there is always a downside to "shortcut" a relationship! Do you really want to deprive yourself of ALL that God intended for you?
When it is raining outside, do you grab an umbrella? When you go to the beach, do you put sunscreen on? When the sun is brightly shining, do you grab your sunglasses? If you go to the gym do you wear gloves while lifting weights or boxing? Our guess is you answered YES to all of these questions. So what do all of these items have in common? For each question, there is a "protection" if you will for the answer. We don't want to get wet, so we grab an umbrella to PROTECT us! We don't want skin cancer, so we use sunscreen to PROTECT our skin and so forth. Now the BIGGEST question we have for you is...Who or what is PROTECTING your relationship?
In our relationships, we bring many different forms of "weapons" into our battles. Okay, so you don't like the word "battle," understand! How about "conflicts," "arguments," "disagreements," "discussions?" Do any of these sound better? Bottom line is a couple will NEVER agree 100% of the time. The time when we are in disagreement is when we normally bring out the "weapons." Today, we want to talk about one "weapon" that we encourage ALL couples to use. Yes, you heard right. This "weapon" is one that you need to keep sharp and ready at ALL times. NEVER should you have to "blow the dust" off of this one. Matter of fact, it should and needs to be the FIRST "weapon" you reach for!
2019 is here and many are making New Year's Resolutions. Most of us are conditioned by society to start something NEW at the beginning of a New Year or even at the beginning of the week. For example, very seldom do we start a new exercise program on a Wednesday. Most likely we say I will start "XYZ" on Monday. Of course, the NEW year is ALWAYS full of "I am going to start XYZ on January 1st." So how does the Fourth Commandment play into resolutions? Read on and see...
The couple was very enjoyable and professional. There were some aspects of the evaluation that I thought were incorrect from the actual test point but that did no impact their overall level of service and the experience provided.
We loved our pre-marital classes! Sissy was very patient and made us both feel comfortable and safe expressing our thoughts. We walked away with very useful tools to strengthen our communication, listening habits and relationship. I would highly recommend all couples to take these valuable classes with Pitcher Ministries.
Doug and Sissy do a great job of walking through so many elements that are important to a successful marriage. They were open, transparent, and honest with us about their journey and lessons learned. We both left feeling like our toolbox was full and ready to help us build our foundation and future.
Bible based without being a Bible thumper! Provided the information from a honest, real, transparent, and compassionate vantage. I highly recommend Pitcher Ministries for all! They are very warm and authentic people!
This was a great marriage prep class, very educational learning about the differences between males and females. We are so different and those difference make us love and hate the person all in one. This class really taught me to change my perspective on the things that I didn't understand before. I recommend everyone taking a pre-marriage prep course because even though it's all fun now there will be times where it will be hard BUT you will be prepared.

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